Trustworthy - Vigilant - Discreet
Fire watch is an important job that requires careful and attentive observation. Fire watchers must be alert to potential fire threats, such as smoke or sparks from nearby sources, and be prepared to “sound the alarm” and call for help. Fire watch personnel are often trained to use fire extinguishers and other firefighting equipment. Fire watch personnel must be aware of the local fire regulations and requirements, and make sure that safety procedures are followed. Fire watch is a crucial part of fire safety, and it is important to ensure that fire watch personnel are properly trained and prepared to respond in the event of an emergency. Call us to discuss our fire watch service.
Our officers provide Fire Watch services to retail locations that have issues with their alarm system. We protect your assets while the alarm is not functional.
Warehouses store millions of dollars worth of goods. A small fire can turn into disaster if not put out or reported to the authorities. Allow us to protect your property from fires.
Movie theaters have equipment worth millions of dollars. Our officers keep an eye on your equipment while theaters are empty and alarms are non functional.
Apartment complex fires can be devastating. If an alarm system is down, our officers patrol the premises and ensure everyone is safe.
Office buildings have many rooms, closets and hallways not visible from a single point of observation. If a fire takes place the consequences can be dire. Our officers patrol hallways and check secluded areas of the buildings to ensure no fires are present.
Protect your ongoing work from fires by allowing us to patrol your work site and report any fires.
Give us a call to discuss how this service can benefit you.